About Us
Who is Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi?
He is a teacher who exemplified the highest spiritual truths through his profound inner realization, simplicity, and unwavering commitment to guiding others towards self-realization through the practice of self-inquiry. His teachings and presence continue to have a lasting impact on the spiritual landscape worldwide.
Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world.
The mind is nothing but thoughts. The thought “I” is the first thought of the mind. That is ego. That is the root of all thoughts from which all thoughts spring
Early Life and Awakening
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, was born on December 30, 1879, in Tamil Nadu, India. He experienced a profound spiritual awakening at the age of 16. This transformative experience led him to realize the true Self, a realization that would define his life's teachings.
Teaching through Silence & Presence
Sri Ramana Maharshi often taught through silence, considering it the highest form of instruction. His presence alone was said to convey a deep sense of peace and understanding. For him, silence was a direct transmission of truth beyond the limitations of words.
Clarity and Simplicity
Sri Ramana Maharshi's teachings are characterized by their clarity and simplicity. He emphasized the importance of turning inward urging seekers to ask themselves "Who am I?" and to trace the source of the "I" thought back to the true Self. This approach bypassed complex rituals and dogmas, making his teachings applicable to people from all walks of life. This straightforward approach helps practitioners cut through mental clutter and focus on the essence of their being, leading to a deeper understanding and experience of the Self.
Universal Appeal
Sri Ramana Maharshi's teachings of self-inquiry have a universal appeal because they transcend cultural, religious, and philosophical boundaries. The simplicity and directness of asking "Who am I?" resonate with seekers from various backgrounds, making his teachings accessible and applicable to anyone, regardless of their prior spiritual or religious inclinations.
Integration into Daily Life
Self-inquiry is a practice that can be easily integrated into daily life. Unlike some spiritual practices that require specific times or settings, self-inquiry can be practiced continuously, in any situation. This integration allows practitioners to maintain a constant awareness of their true nature, fostering a sense of inner peace and stability amidst the challenges of everyday life.
Psychological Benefits
The practice of self-inquiry can lead to significant psychological benefits. By questioning the nature of the ego and realizing the true Self, individuals often experience a reduction in anxiety, stress, and fear. This realization brings about a sense of inner freedom and contentment, as the identification with the transient and limited aspects of the self diminishes.
Testimonies of Transformation
Countless individuals have shared testimonies of personal transformation through the practice of self-inquiry. These stories often highlight profound shifts in perception, deeper understanding of the nature of existence, and a lasting sense of peace and fulfillment. The transformative power of self-inquiry serves as a testament to the enduring impact of Sri Ramana Maharshi's teachings. Link of a website to Testimonies.